Home Page of Prof.  Ivan Serina

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione,

Università degli Studi di Brescia

Via Branze 38, I-25123 Brescia, Italia 

Office 29 DII

+39 030 3715521

+39 030 3715450 


Ivan Serina is  associate professor in Information Processing Systems at the  Dept. of Information Engineering of the University of Brescia, Italy. In 1995 he received his degree in Computer Science at the University of Milan with full marks and honours. Since 1997 he has been a member of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group at the University of Brescia, headed by Professor Alfonso Gerevini, working on various topics such as Plan Generation and Adaptation through Local and Systematic Search Techniques. In 2000 he  received his PhD degree in Computer Science Engineering at the University of Brescia and in 2003 he has received a Marie Curie Fellowship in the field of Planning and Scheduling at the Department of Computer and Information Sciences of the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow). He worked at the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano from 2008 to 2012.

He participated in the 3rd International Planning Competition (2002) with LPG, a planner developed with Professor Alfonso Gerevini that was awarded for "Distinguished performance of the first order"; he participated in the 4th International Planning Competition (2004) with LPG-td, a planner developed with Professor Alfonso Gerevini and Ing. Alessandro Saetti that was awarded for its performance in temporal and numeric domains.  He was Co-chair with  Neil Yorke-Smith (American University of Beirut, Lebanon and SRI International, USA) of the ICAPS-2010 Exhibits and Demonstrations Session,  with Marco Maratea of RCRA17 and with Hang Ma of SOCS2021.  Currently, he is Associate Editor of AI Communications, Member of the Program Committees of AAAI 2024, ICAPS 2024, Future Internet Journal and co-chair of IPS2024.
Ivan Serina is author or co-author of  more than 100  published reviewed papers in various fields of Artificial Intelligence.

Research interests: Planning,  Artificial Intelligence, Case-Based Planning, Autonomous Agents, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge-based systems, E-Learning, Learning Objects, Operating Systems.

Academic curriculum (in Italian)

Theses proposals

Main software developed: